From a New York Times best-selling author, a queer retelling of "Snow White and Rose Red" in which teenage twins battle evil religious extremists to save their loves and their circus family. YA fantasy perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo, Mackenzi Lee, and Laini Taylor.
Twins Rosie and Ivory have grown up at their ringmaster mother's knee, and after years on the road, they're returning to Port End, the closest place to home they know. Yet something has changed in the bustling city: fundamentalist flyers paper the walls and preachers fill the squares, warning of shadows falling over the land. The circus prepares a triumphant homecoming show, full of lights and spectacle that could chase away even the darkest shadow. But during Rosie's tightrope act, disaster strikes.
In this lush, sensuous novel interwoven with themes of social justice and found family, it's up to Ivory and her magician love—with the help of a dancing bear—to track down an evil priest and save their circus family before it's too late.
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